Archive | May 19, 2012

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JK Guruji’s Visit to Italy

For  JK Guruji ‘s detailed visit With Divine Grace and blessings 1) 18th May JK Guruji will be in Venice 2) 18th to 20th May will be in  Padova, and Tel: +39 340 357 6036 3) 20th May  attending Lakhsarchana and perfoming Sai Yagna in Bologna Elissabetta Silvestri Tel +39 328 230 3423 4)27th May  […]

Thought for the day

Thought for the day

GOD is the source of highest Joy The recognition of one’s innate Divinity, and the regulation of one’s daily life in accordance with that Truth are the guiding stars for those who are caught in the currents of strife and struggle. Without that Self-Knowledge life becomes a farce, a mockery! Acquiring this awareness of the […]

Yagna in Surat (India)

Yagna in Surat (India)