Thought for the day

Never Give Up Love

“Love should not be rationed based on caste, creed, economic status or intellectual attainment of the recipient. It should flow fully and freely, regardless of consequence, for, it is one’s nature to love, to seek out the dry dreary wastes that love can water and make fertile.”

“When love is directed towards things that cater to the senses or bodily happiness, it will dry up when they fail or disappoint. When profit is loved, loss will undermine it. Discontent will sap its springs, when you love with the motive of worldly contentment. Even when ten million disappointments continue to distress you, never give up love; fix it on the source of love, the spring of love, the supreme goal of love, namely God. Whatever the handicap, however you are tempted to loosen the grip, hold on to God.”

“Love saturates all activities with joy and peace. Love enables the least and the lowest. Love yourself for the God that it embodies; Love others for the sake of God enshrined in them, who speaks and acts through them.”

“Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety, and no grief.

 Love is God. God is Love.”-Baba